The annual subscription, payable on 1st November, is £25.00, payable on 1st November.

If joining after 1st May this is reduced to £12.50.

The door fee per meeting for members is £5.00.

The door fee per meeting for visitors* is £8.00, but £10.00 when we have a speaker.

* Visitors may attend three meetings in any membership year.

The door fee includes the price of a raffle ticket and all cups of tea and coffee.

Membership is open to anyone over the age of 18 years.


The Name shall be 'TACKS' (Textile Arts, Crafts, Knitting and Stitching)

Objects of the Group

a) To promote and encourage textile arts, crafts, knitting, stitching and associated activities.

b) To network with other members and share information.

Membership and subscriptions

Membership of the Group shall be open to:

Any person over the age of 18 with an interest in the above mentioned crafts.

New members will be asked to complete a membership form and pay the annual subscription rate due at that time.

Membership payments will be due on 1st November each year. Anyone joining after May 1st will pay half the annual subscription, which will be renewable at the full rate on 1st November.

A member whose subscription is more than three months in arrears shall be deemed to have resigned from the Group.

Exclusion of a Member. In the event of a complaint being brought to the attention of the Group, the Member will be required to appear at a meeting with a quorum of not less than five (5) Members including the Group Leader or Treasurer. This will be on a date no longer than 30 days from the date of the complaint and the Member concerned with the complaint will be required to supply all necessary details in relation to the nature of the complaint. If the Member is found to be using inappropriate behaviour by a majority of the quorum, the Member's subscription to the Group may be terminated and all privileges withdrawn.

Running the Group

The Group will be co-ordinated by:

1. The Group Leader

2. The Treasurer

and all Members will be asked to participate in the running of meetings.


It is the responsibility of the Treasurer to ensure that proper accounts are maintained.

The financial year of the Group shall end on 31st October of each year and an income and expenditure statement prepared by the Treasurer within eight weeks of that date.

The funds of the Group will be held in a UK bank account. All cheques or authorisations for payment are to be signed by two out of three signatories.


The Group may be wound up or dissolved by a resolution passed by a two-third majority of those present at a meeting of the Group for which twenty-one days notice shall be given in writing to all members. In the event of a winding up or dissolution any remaining assets after payment of all outstanding liabilities shall be transferred to a charitable organisation relevant to the group.

Amendments to the Constitution

The Constitution may only be amended at a General Meeting by a two-third majority of members present. At least 14 days notice in writing shall be given by the Leader to Members and shall include notice of the amendments proposed.

8th November 2007

Textile Arts, Crafts Knitting and Stitching since 2007
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